Hey folks, it has been a while since we really wrote, but we're now gearing up for 2014's 100,000 Poets for Change event on September 27.
Due to the hectic-ness of my life (school, work, running a press, etc.) I have talked with Michael Rothenberg, the main event organizer, about doing a virtual event this year. Vancouver will still be represented, and I hope to continue to include Vancouver poets, but we have a definite global theme this year: climate change in literature. And so, authors everywhere will be invited to participate.
As I was thinking about how I might participate this year in the Poets for Change event, I thought maybe a virtual event would work; it would not require so much time, for one thing. I've hosted a couple short story contests before, so, in alliance with my publishing company, Moon Willow Press, I want to celebrate this year's event with a global look at climate change in literature.
Updated: Click here for the Contest Submission Form and here for the Contest Rules and Background Info.
- First, for anyone interested, please join our Eco-fiction global community at Google. It's a good place to discuss not just climate change in art and literature but ideas about this big Poets for Change event.
- Remember that 100,000 Poets for Change does not have to be just about poetry. The event traditionally includes other art forms, including dance and music.In our case, we are going to host a short story contest via Eco-fiction.com.
- The winner(s) would receive an honorarium of $100.00. Remember that Eco-fiction.com is a volunteer site on my part, It does not make any money nor receives any funding. (I wish I could offer more!)
- The contest and winner would receive some press via the announcements made in both the planning group and the event group at 100,000 Poets for Change.
- Presenting a visual to the event will be great. I think if each participant in the contest took a meaningful photo of his or her town or city, labeled the photo with the location, and submitted the photo to me this summer, we could make a terrific collage and submit it to 100,000 Poets for Change. The photo doesn't have to be about climate change but should reflect an environmental impact in your city--or even a beautiful nature photo that shows what we want to protect.
- In the end, there is a possibility of publishing the short stories or prose in a book, but that depends on how many stories we receive, how many are willing to volunteer their stories to the project (if the book does sell, we could work out honorariums or donations to help mitigate climate change).
- To specifically represent Vancouver I would like to capture many similar images around town.
- A video is also possible!
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