2011: Final details for our cleanup at False Creek East

Hi everyone,

Here are the last details for our False Creek East cleanup from 1:00 to about 2:15, Saturday, September 24th, near Science World. (2011)

We will have a tent, coffee, and snacks in the park area near the Science World beach. Look for us at the playground with the monkey bars. If you can be there a little before one, that'd be great. We will break up into groups of about five or so. We'll collect litter for an hour and then group back up at the tent.

To start, we will have a short speech by Fraser Riverkeeper and environmental lawyer Doug Chapman. Everyone must sign a waiver during this time.

Each group should have a leader who will fill out a card showing how much and what kind of debris is collected. I will submit this data to the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup the following week.

I'd like to thank the city of Vancouver and a group of students from Farleigh Dickinson University, who will be helping to provide some vests, trash bags, and gloves as well as participating in the cleanup. We hope to provide one trash picker upper per each group for picking up any medical trash. Feel free to bring your own if you have it.

I'd also like to thank the 100,000 Poets for Change group for helping to clean up this beach. This historical, global event unites poets with an action of sustainability. We will later have a reading, led by "enpipe line" poet Christine Leclerc, at the Carnegie Centre on Main and Hastings. This event, from 3:30 - 5:00, is also sponsored by Word on the Street and Moon Willow Press. Word on the Street has Vancouver's annual book fair near the library on Georgia the next day (Sunday, the 25th). I encourage all you readers to come out that day too!

We seem to be getting a ton of signups for this restoration, and it's wonderful! Happy BC Rivers Day! You're all participating in something great.

Update: a photo of us with the "Enpipe line" tape wrapped around us.

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